Buying the best RV air conditioner
Dometic FreshLight gives you all the convenience of an air conditioner without compromising. This air conditioner proivdes you both with cool air and natural light. With active ventilation, you get better air inside your caravan or motorhome, and the dimmable LEDs add further luxury to your living area. With the pleated darkening curtains you can also get a light dark and cozy feeling inside during the bright summer nights. Wait there's more! With the user-friendly remote control, you can easily control the temperature and ventilation settings. You can set a specific temperature or use various modes such as automatic mode, cooling, heating and ventilation. It simply adapts to most needs. Enjoy!
Ensuring perfect climate!
Whether at home or in a leisure vehicle, our comfort not only depends on temperature – humidity also plays a decisive role. If the humidity tends to be low, we can still tolerate temperatures which are very high. When the humidity rises, we really start suffering from the heat – problems with circulation and with sleeping are the inevitable result. A good air conditioner for a mobile home not only needs to cool down the air in the room; it should also dehumidify it at the same time. To ensure that both – cooling and dehumidification – work perfectly even at high ambient temperatures, the air conditioners from Dometic are using high-performance compressor technology. We promise that one of our five air conditioning models will satisfy your personal idea of a perfect on-board climate!
Комфортная температура и естественное освещение
Благодаря продуманному дизайну кондиционер Dometic FreshLight 1600 со встроенным окном обладает всеми преимуществами накрышного блока климат-контроля, экономя место и сохраняя естественное освещение. Его энергоэффективные режимы охлаждения и обогрева обеспечивают комфортную температуру в автодомах и жилых прицепах до 7 м длиной, а дополнительным плюсом является постоянный приток свежего воздуха через систему активной вентиляции.